Are You Paying Too Much For Your Plotter Paper?
Are You Paying Too Much For Your Plotter Paper?
Would You Like To Save Money On Your Wide Format Printing Costs?
These are questions we often ask ourselves and our customers when reviewing their wide format printing requirements to ensure that we recommend and supply the right paper at the right price. We often find we can save money for our customers by asking a few simple questions :
1 Are you using the right paper roll width for your drawings?
Inkjet printers are produced in several sizes differentiated by the width of the prints they are capable of printing. The most common CAD inkjet wide format printers are available in 610mm to print A1 plus size and 914mm to print A0 plus size. Often the choice of size of paper roll for your printer is determined by the model size of the printer – 610mm rolls for an A1 printer and 914mm rolls for an A0 printer.
But what size are you actually drawing to? Printing an A1 size drawing on a 610mm roll often means you need to trim your prints. Likewise, printing an A0 size drawing on a 914mm roll may require the same.
Prizma Graphics supply a 594mm paper roll especially to enable you to print at exactly A1 size. And 420mm paper roll to allow you to print at exactly A2 size, and 297mm paper roll to print at exactly A3 size. No need for trimming, saving time as well as money. For the same reason, if you are printing at exactly A0 size then choose an 841mm paper roll. Our inkjet paper rolls in 841mm, 594mm and 297mm are available in both uncoated and coated papers.
2 Are you using the right weight of paper?
The most popular choice of print paper for standard everyday printing is either an 80gsm weight or a 90gsm weight. The weight of inkjet paper you choose very often depends on your application for your prints. Inkjet prints that require a lot of handling on and off site often benefit from being printed in a slightly heavier 90gsm weight. But if that isn’t the case, would an 80gsm weight paper be suitable for your requirements and save you money?
Prizma Graphics supply plotter paper in 80gsm and 90gsm weights for standard wide format printing. We also supply a lightweight 60gsm inkjet paper in rolls and cut sheets which will also enable you to save money on postage costs.
3 What inkjet paper finish do you require? Coated or Uncoated?
Wide format inkjet printer technology is brilliant for its versatility. We can create fantastic, full colour photographic prints and monochrome and line colour prints using the same inkjet printer. Great for those who are mainly producing standard CAD drawings but also want the ability to produce presentation prints when required.
But which paper roll finish do you require for the bulk of your large format printing? A coated paper is certainly required for printing at high resolution to create stunning prints with sharp colours without colour bleed and cockling. But keep that paper roll for that purpose when needed. Use an uncoated inkjet paper for your monochrome and line colour with some light colour infill for your everyday printing.
4 Own brand or manufacturer brand?
This is often a choice based on personal preference. For this reason Prizma Graphics supply a complete range of printer paper in both our own brand and well known manufacturer brands including HP, Canon and Oce.
But you may want to consider this question – must I use the same inkjet paper manufacturer as my inkjet printer manufacturer? The answer is no. Our range of unbranded plotter paper has been selected from the best available in Europe and fully tested for use with all wide format printers, using both dye and pigment inks. Will using our unbranded plotter paper save you money? Most definitely.
Samples of our unbranded print paper are available for you to test and compare against a manufacturer branded inkjet paper.
Call us on 01296 393700 and we will happily arrange samples for you.
Prizma Graphics have been supplying architects, engineers, property builders, product and manufacturing designers, graphic designers, sign makers, copy shops and printers with their wide format print paper since 1986. We continue to put the needs of our customers at the forefront of our business and work with you to provide total wide format print solutions that are suited for your requirements and are cost effective. To this end, we provide full cost per copy and cost per print analysis for wide format inkjet printers, digital printers and plan copiers to enable you to make the best, and the right, decision for you.
If you would like to discuss your wide format print requirements please call our knowledgeable sales team on 01296 393700, we will be happy to help.